How can financial advisors build an enduring business with sustainable value?
Contrary to what we often hear and read, it’s not all about tech. It’s about being indispensable in your clients’ lives.
Today’s guest, Brie Williams, says there are four areas we should focus on to create sustainable value.
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- Be authentic to what you represent.
- Set, manage, and deliver on client expectations.
- Remember that perception is reality.
- Optimize to realize your long term vision.
These four areas can form the core of your client-centric approach to business.
Brie is Vice President of State Street Global Advisors and Head of Practice Management for the Global SPDR Business. Before she entered financial services, Brie had a great career in advertising and research where she managed big brands like Frito-Lay, McDonald’s, and Target.
In our conversation, we explored some of the key drivers you need to put in place to build a sustainable business in our fast-paced world where things are changing all the time. In particular, Brie talked about the lessons she learned on Madison Ave. that have translated into helping advisors build better practices, and how you can use technology combined with human empathy and curiosity to help clients understand how to engage with you and your team when their money needs and life needs intersect.
– State Street Global Advisors Visit Brie Williams and her team online.
– “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight Brie Williams recommends the classic memoir from Nike’s founder and CEO about innovation driven not by technology, but by the passion to create something incredible.
– Values Clarification Toolkit Click here to download this FREE tool and start living your values.