Mark McGrath on Using Twitter to Build His Business and the Impact of His Deeply Personal Tweet That Went Viral

Guest: Mark McGrath, CFP®, an advisor with Sweeney Bride Strategic Wealth Advisory in Squamish, British Columbia.

In a Nutshell: Back in March, I saw a tweet from Mark that had gone viral. In it, he shared a very personal story about the hidden challenges of retirement that really struck a chord. As I write this, Mark’s tweet has racked up 3,034 retweets, 900 quotes, 17.6K likes, 5,401 bookmarks, and an incredible 5.2 million views. We talk about that powerful story and how Mark uses social media to connect to his community and turn clicks into new clients.


.Mark McGrath and I discuss:

  • What Mark learned about managing money and preparing for retirement from his father.
  • How to help your clients ensure their work doesn’t become their identity to the detriment of their retirement.
  • Mark’s transition from selling financial products to providing valuable services and how those experiences shaped his philosophies of planning and investing.
  • How and why Mark cultivated a niche working with physicians.
  • The challenges and opportunities Twitter provides for advisors who want to hone their voice and improve their digital marketing.
  • Knowing where your audience lives online and what kind of message they’ll respond to.
  • Why Mark isn’t afraid to take bold positions on Twitter even though he relies on the platform for more than 90% of his new business.
  • Mark’s series of “engagement meetings,” from establishing client fit through onboarding.
  • How technology like AI could impact quantitative advisory work and create more value for the behavioral coaching of clients.

Resources Related to This Episode

Note: The image of Mark was created using Midjourney AI.

2023-06-27T09:49:22-05:00By |Between Now and Success, Blog-Podcast, Growing, Investing, Leader Interviews, Podcast|Comments Off on Mark McGrath on Using Twitter to Build His Business and the Impact of His Deeply Personal Tweet That Went Viral

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About the Author:

Steve Sanduski, CFP® is the founder of Belay Advisor, the CEO of ROL Advisor, business coach, New York Times bestselling author, and host of the Between Now and Success podcast.
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