
Case Study: How and Why Northland Wealth Allocated Bitcoin for Its HNW Clients

Arthur Salzer discusses how his firm decided to allocate a percentage of his clients' assets into Bitcoin and the thinking and logistics that went into that decision.

2021-03-15T14:53:08-05:00By |Blog-Podcast, Digital Money Advisor Podcast, Growing, Leader Interviews, Managing, Planning, Podcast, Practice Management|Comments Off on Case Study: How and Why Northland Wealth Allocated Bitcoin for Its HNW Clients

Creating a Repeatable Marketing System That Generates Quality Leads

Jeremy Keil discusses how he redesigned his branding, marketing, and interviewing processes to generate a consistent stream of new clients.

2021-04-07T16:24:59-05:00By |Between Now and Success, Blog-Podcast, Growing, Leader Interviews, Managing, Planning, Podcast, Practice Management|Comments Off on Creating a Repeatable Marketing System That Generates Quality Leads

The Psychology of High Performance with Michael Gervais

The psychology of high-performance starts with becoming aware of your inner experience. Psychologist Michael Gervais shows us how.

2021-03-15T14:54:55-05:00By |Barron's Podcast, Blog-Podcast, Growing, Leader Interviews, Managing, Planning, Podcast, Practice Management|Comments Off on The Psychology of High Performance with Michael Gervais

What is DeFi?

DeFi is blowing up the financial system by changing the assets we can invest in and how we buy, sell, lend, and store them.

5 Keys to Becoming a Better Storyteller

Engaging storytelling is your best path to becoming influential.

2021-02-13T09:44:27-06:00By |Blog-Podcast, Growing, Managing, Planning, Practice Management|Comments Off on 5 Keys to Becoming a Better Storyteller

Stop Copying

Everyone knows Elvis. Nobody knows the best Elvis impersonator. Be you.

2021-02-09T09:30:07-06:00By |Blog-Podcast, Growing, Managing, Planning, Practice Management|Comments Off on Stop Copying

Tell Me a Story

Annette Simmons discusses how to find, develop, and tell stories that connect with and persuade people.

WallStreetBets, Populism, and Dopamine

WallStreetBets is sending another signal that there’s a generational change happening in the financial markets and in society as a whole.

2021-02-03T15:03:43-06:00By |Blog-Podcast, Growing, Managing, Planning, Practice Management|Comments Off on WallStreetBets, Populism, and Dopamine

Bitcoin is Digital Social Justice

Tyrone Ross on how Bitcoin is, among other things, an onramp to the financial system.

2021-03-15T14:56:57-05:00By |Blog-Podcast, Digital Money Advisor Podcast, Growing, Leader Interviews, Managing, Planning, Podcast, Practice Management|Comments Off on Bitcoin is Digital Social Justice

Deflation and the End of Fiat

The first couple of Bitcoin, Pierre and Morgen Rochard, discuss the role of Bitcoin in a new monetary world.

2021-03-15T14:56:46-05:00By |Blog-Podcast, Digital Money Advisor Podcast, Growing, Leader Interviews, Managing, Planning, Podcast, Practice Management|Comments Off on Deflation and the End of Fiat
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