Digital Money Advisor Podcast

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Marty Bicknell, spooked that clients were getting bitcoin through other outlets, now allocates to it through an SMA

Marty Bicknell, founder of Mariner Wealth Advisors, is making another innovative move: his firm will offer bitcoin to its clients.

2021-05-03T10:49:47-05:00By |Between Now and Success, Blog-Podcast, Digital Money Advisor Podcast, Growing, Leader Interviews, Managing, Planning, Podcast, Practice Management|Comments Off on Marty Bicknell, spooked that clients were getting bitcoin through other outlets, now allocates to it through an SMA

Bitcoin, MMT, and the Narratives That Shape Our Behavior

Nathaniel Whittemore discusses how understanding the context behind dominant narratives can help build bridges, stimulate new ideas, and push us all forward.

2021-05-10T11:12:04-05:00By |Between Now and Success, Blog-Podcast, Digital Money Advisor Podcast, Growing, Leader Interviews, Managing, Planning, Podcast, Practice Management|Comments Off on Bitcoin, MMT, and the Narratives That Shape Our Behavior

The Wild 5,000 Year Ride of Money

A 5,000 year arc that explores the beginning of money, how it has evolved over time, and the role gold, central banking, Modern Monetary Theory and yes, bitcoin, play in it.