Skip the New Year’s Resolutions and instead come up with “My 3 Words” that will guide your actions in the year ahead.

I picked up this idea of My 3 Words a few years ago from Chris Brogan and it’s been helpful in keeping me focused on the big themes for my yearly work.

For more background including My 3 Words for 2015, listen to my recent podcast where I spent a few minutes discussing the idea.

As Brogan said, “Pick any three words that will guide you in the choices you intend to make for 2016. They should be words that let you challenge yourself as to motives and decisions. They should be words that help you guide your actions.”

With that in mind, here are My 3 Words for 2016.

Drum roll please…

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My 3 Words

My 3 Words Steve Sanduski

Launch. I love to create products and services that benefit financial advisors and their clients. Last year, my two big launches were the Between Now and Success podcast and the coaching program. This year I plan to launch a new program that builds upon the groundwork I laid with the podcast and the coaching program.

Leverage. I want to multiply my ability to impact a larger number of people in a meaningful way. By outsourcing more work, I’ll free up time to go deeper with my clients and create programs and tools to help advisors and their clients. By using technology and collaborating with other people and organizations, I’ll be able to reach more people in a personalized way.

Connect. All my work centers around making deeper connections. As a business coach, I work closely with my clients so we can build a trusting relationship that gets results. As a podcaster, my voice gets inside people’s heads so I’m connecting with them in a personal way. Yet I want to go even deeper. I plan on sharing more about me and my experiences—both what’s working and what’s not working. I’ll be sharing more stories from my business so you get to know more about how I do what I do. And the second part of connecting is to drill down even further to target my work so it benefits my audience even more than it does today.

Launch. Leverage. Connect. Those three words will guide my actions in 2016.

What are your 3 words for 2016? Post them in the comments section below and I’ll share them in an upcoming podcast.

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