Here’s a short but very powerful exercise. What three words could you come up with that would set the course, give you direction, and totally excite you as you move through 2016?
In my financial advisor coaching, we dig deep to get focused on the key things that will make the desired outcomes happen. This three-word exercise from Chris Brogan is one simple way to help the focusing process.
In this episode, I discuss how to come up with your own three words for 2016 as well as review my three words for 2015 and my assessment of how well (or not so well) I executed on them. Plus, I share one other idea on a one-sentence strategic plan and leave you with a meaningful insight from Roy Disney.
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Friday Podcast Highlights
1. What are your three guiding words for 2016?
- Chris Brogan, creator of the three word idea, on his three words for 2015.
- Mitch Joel, one of my favorite podcasters, shares his three words for 2015.
2. Along the same lines as #1 above, can you distill your 2016 strategic plan down to one sentence?
- The Dharmesh Shah blog post where he discusses this idea of a one-sentence strategic plan. Shah’s one sentence is “Do fewer things, better.”
- The one sentence I’m toying with for 2016 is “Make things happen, yesterday.” When you listen to the podcast, you’ll understand why this is important to me.
When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier. Roy Disney
Here’s the video I referenced in the podcast that ties in to the importance of being focused on your values. I strongly encourage you to watch it. And keep scrolling down to subscribe to my updates as I mentioned in the podcast.