If you want to succeed in digital marketing, you can’t use yesterday’s strategies. Today’s most successful digital marketers take full advantage of the major digital networks and are creating content that is relevant, engaging, and share worthy.
In today’s episode, I chat with Mitch Joel. Mitch is President of Mirum – a global digital marketing agency with over 2000 employees. Marketing Magazine dubbed him the “Rock Star of Digital Marketing” and called him, “one of North America’s leading digital visionaries.” He is also an author, blogger, podcaster, and passionate speaker who shares his innovation insights on digital marketing and business transformation to audiences around the world.
Mitch and I discuss the strategies used by the country’s most successful digital marketers.
Here are 5 quick hits from the podcast.

Mitch Joel: Content creators aren’t just content creators. We’re not just building a channel, but we can build and own a network.
1. Content may be King, but distribution is the Ace.
The Fields of Dreams idea doesn’t work anymore. Just because you build it doesn’t mean they will come. You have to go where the people are and that means creating hubs on the popular networks and delivering relevant content that people want to consume. Ah, but there’s the hard part–creating that great content.
2. Shift from “hub and spoke” to “multiple hubs.”
Instead of using a “hub and spoke” distribution strategy, with your website/blog as the hub and social networks as the spokes, create multiple network hubs with your website/blog as the archival anchor. Your future clients hangout on the major networks such as Linkedin, Facebook, and major media websites like Forbes and Harvard Business Review. You should be creating your own hub or channel on those networks while offering the opportunity to bring readers back to your website/blog for more of your story.
3. If you want to play, you gotta pay.
If you want your content to be seen on the major networks, you have to fork over some cash. Pure organic reach is limited on these platforms so you have to pay to promote your message to a larger audience.
4. Be like MTV (In its early days).
Video Killed the Radio Star was MTV’s first video and now, 35 years later, video is all the rage in digital media. Yes, blogs and podcasts are still important, but now video is muscling in. Firms need to offer content in multiple formats and the efficient way to do it is, create a content idea then repurpose/repackage it in multiple media formats.
5. If you’re not on my phone, you don’t exist.
We live in a mobile-first world now and your content has to be created with the thought that it will be consumed on your phone. The experience of experiencing it on your phone has to be as good if not better than consuming it on desktop.
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