Capitalism is taking a beating right now. Rising wealth inequality and low social mobility have been festering for decades. The median income of Americans hasn’t budged in 30 years. The overall share of GDP accruing to capital has risen significantly relative to labor. And I could go on.
So is capitalism the problem? No. We don’t need to ditch capitalism, we just need to evolve it so more people can benefit from it.
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But how do we do that?
For some answers, I reached out to Anthony “the Mooch” Scaramucci. You may know him as the short-lived communications director in the White House. But he’s also the founder of a multi-billion dollar alternative fund, organizer of the SALT Conference (BTW, I’ll be podcasting from the SALT Conference so register to attend and I’ll see you there), and a fun guy to talk to.
In today’s show, we talk about capitalism. We discuss what works, what’s not working, and what would it take for our country to evolve capitalism so it helps all Americans live the American dream.
I hope you enjoy today’s show.
– SALT Conference I’m attending this year so register too and I’ll see you there (some amazing speakers!).
– Connect with Anthony Scaramucci on LinkedIn
– SkyBridge Capital Visit Anthony Scaramucci and his team online.
– Values Clarification Toolkit Click here to download this FREE tool and start living your values.