rule of 40

Can You Ever Have Enough?

There's never enough and more is better. Society tells us this but they are two toxic money myths says Lynne Twist.

2022-11-27T07:09:38-06:00By |Blog-Podcast, Coaching, Growing, Leader Interviews, Personal Development, Planning|Comments Off on Can You Ever Have Enough?

You Don’t “Conquer” a Mountain

Mountains are not for conquering. We stand in awe and appreciation for them and they teach us lessons.

2022-11-24T10:31:46-06:00By |Blog-Podcast, Coaching, Growing, Managing, Planning, Practice Management|Comments Off on You Don’t “Conquer” a Mountain

The Rule of 40% for Financial Advisors

Use The Rule of 40% as a guide in determining the optimal mix between growth and profitability of your business.

2022-06-03T07:37:46-05:00By |Blog-Podcast, Coaching, Growing, Managing, Planning, Practice Management|Comments Off on The Rule of 40% for Financial Advisors
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