
Matt Somberg on The Art and Science of Scaling to $2 Billion in AUM

Matt Somberg explains the vision and quality of service that attracts 50 - 100 new clients per year with almost no marketing.

2023-06-27T22:07:03-05:00By |Barron's Podcast, Blog-Podcast, Growing, Investing, Leader Interviews, Podcast|Comments Off on Matt Somberg on The Art and Science of Scaling to $2 Billion in AUM

How to Build and Deploy Synergistic Teams for Your RIA with Paul Blease

Paul Blease and I discuss the synergistic team model, which he believes is the best way for advisor CEOs to maximize top talent.

2022-05-31T09:08:45-05:00By |Between Now and Success, Blog-Podcast, Growing, Investing, Leader Interviews, Podcast|Comments Off on How to Build and Deploy Synergistic Teams for Your RIA with Paul Blease

Lessons on Improvising Your Way to Success From a Second City Exec

Kelly Leonard of The Second City discusses how improv can improve your management performance and strengthen your personal relationships.

2021-06-15T16:19:21-05:00By |Barron's Podcast, Blog-Podcast, Growing, Leader Interviews, Managing, Planning, Podcast, Practice Management|Comments Off on Lessons on Improvising Your Way to Success From a Second City Exec
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